Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Uncovering Twilight Series

Twilight Saga is a series of vampire themed romance novels written by Stephanie Meyer. It consists of four books namely twilight, new moon, eclipse and breaking dawn. Twilight series falls under the genre of fantasy and romance. The series evolves in the unorthodox romance between a human and a vampire with a twist of love triangle. The main characters of the book are Bella Swan, Edward Cullen (vampire) and Jacob Black (werewolf). Because of the good story, the book was made into a movie making and it as one of the most sensational movies of the year.

The book is written using a first person narrative, through the eyes of Bella Swan. However in the fourth book the section is divided in the narration of Bella Swan and Jacob Black. According to the author, the book is inspired by life not death and love not lust. Stephanie Meyer believes that since the targeted audience of her books is teens, she does not want to expose them in things such as lust and death.

Stephanie Meyer defines her vampire in twilight series differently. For instance twilight vampire glitters in the sun instead of burned, they have piercing teeth instead of fangs and they can also drink animal's blood. Twilight series was first released in 2005 and has gained so much popularity up until now. The books won many awards such as the 2008 British book award for children's book of the year and 2009 kids' book of choice of the year.

As of today the first three books are already released as a motion picture under Summit Entertainment. The last book breaking dawn will be shown on the big screen this year.

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